The policies contained herein intend to reflect the current rules and policies of American Preparatory Academy Schools, though changes or additions may have become effective since the publication of this material. In the event of a conflict, current statements of Board policy contained in the Bylaws, Rules, official minutes, and other pronouncements of the Board, or superseding law, shall prevail.

Use the search box to find policies based on any text included in the document. (Ex. Key terms, department, titles, etc.)

Policy Name   CategoryRevision Date
I-1.0 Comprehensive Wellness PolicyI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness01/31/2024
I-1.1 General Student HealthI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.10 Wellness Policy Maintenance I-1.0 Student Health and Wellness02/01/2024
I-1.11 Mental HealthI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.2 ImmunizationsI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.3 Student MedicationsI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.4 Staff Medical TrainingI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.5 Air QualityI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.6 School Nutrition ProgramsI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.7 Food Served and Consumed at SchoolI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-1.8 Student Assistant SafetyI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness09/01/2022
I-1.9 Physical ActivityI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness05/25/2023
I-2.1 Illness During The School DayI-2.0 Illness or Accident09/01/2022
I-2.2 Concussion And Head InjuryI-2.0 Illness or Accident09/01/2022
I-2.3 Blood-Borne PathogensI-2.0 Illness or Accident09/01/2022
I-3.1 Safety On School GroundsI-3.0 Building Security and Safety09/01/2022
I-3.2 Locked DoorsI-3.0 Building Security and Safety09/01/2022
I-3.3 Fire and ElectricI-3.0 Building Security and Safety08/22/2024
I-3.4 Ice And SnowI-3.0 Building Security and Safety09/01/2022
I-3.5 Safe Schools Policy - WeaponsI-3.0 Building Security and Safety09/01/2022
I-3.6 Chemicals And Toxic MaterialsI-3.0 Building Security and Safety09/01/2022
I-4.1 Security CamerasI-4.0 Privacy and School Safety04/10/2023
I-4.3 Accident ReportsI-4.0 Privacy and School Safety04/10/2023
I-4.4 School Safety ViolationsI-4.0 Privacy and School Safety09/01/2022
I-4.5 Searches And SeizuresI-4.0 Privacy and School Safety04/10/2023
I-4.6 Student QuestioningI-4.0 Privacy and School Safety04/10/2023
I-5.0 Student Supervision PoliciesI-5.0 Student Supervision01/26/2024
I-6.1 Volunteer GuidelinesI-6.0 Student Security09/01/2022
I-6.2 Volunteer AgreementI-6.0 Student Security04/10/2023
I-6.4 Visitors On CampusI-6.0 Student Security09/01/2022
I-7.1 Child Abuse Or NeglectI-7.0 Alleged Abuse09/01/2022
I-7.1.1 Access to StudentsI-7.0 Alleged Abuse03/23/2023
I-7.2 Sexual Abuse Or InnuendoI-7.0 Alleged Abuse09/01/2022
I-7.3 SafeUT Crisis LineI-1.0 Student Health and Wellness04/10/2023
I-8.1 Internet Safety And Acceptable UseI-8.0 Technology, Data, and Internet Safety03/24/2023
I-8.3 Technology Security PolicyI-8.0 Technology, Data, and Internet Safety03/24/2023
I-8.3.1 Remediation PlanI-8.0 Technology, Data, and Internet Safety03/24/2023
I-8.4 Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)I-8.0 Technology, Data, and Internet Safety03/23/2023
I-8.5 Digital CitizenshipI-8.0 Technology, Data, and Internet Safety01/24/2025
J-1.1 Emergency Response Plan IntroductionJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.2 Emergency Response Plan ObjectivesJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.3 ERP CommunicationJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.4 ERP Emergency Response TeamsJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.5 ERP In Specific SituationsJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.6 Disaster Incident RecoveryJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-1.7 Emergency Response Plan ReviewJ-1.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-2.1 Emergency DrillsJ-2.0 Emergency Drills09/01/2022
J-2.2 Earthquake Drill ScriptJ-2.0 Emergency Drills09/01/2022
J-2.3 Lockdown Drill ScriptJ-2.0 Emergency Drills09/01/2022
J-3.0 Emergency Response Plan FlipchartJ-3.0 Emergency Response Plan06/06/2023
J-3.13 Suicide InterventionJ-3.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-3.15 Bomb Threat Hostile ThreatJ-3.0 Emergency Response Plan04/10/2023
J-3.17 Medical EmergencyJ-3.0 Emergency Response Plan04/10/2023
J-3.18 First Aid ChecklistJ-3.0 Emergency Response Plan09/01/2022
J-4.2 Emergency Response TeamJ-4.0 Campus Emergency Response Plans09/01/2022
J-4.3 Known HazardsJ-4.0 Campus Emergency Response Plans09/01/2022
J-4.5 Emergency Contact InformationJ-5.0 Crisis Intervention Plan09/01/2022
J-5.1 Public Information Officer ResponsibilitiesJ-5.0 Crisis Intervention Plan09/01/2022
J-5.2 Crisis Response TeamJ-5.0 Crisis Intervention Plan09/01/2022
J-5.3 Director's ChecklistJ-5.0 Crisis Intervention Plan09/01/2022
J-5.4 Teachers And Staff ResponsibilitiesJ-5.0 Crisis Intervention Plan09/01/2022
J-6.1 Out-Of-Session Building EmergencyJ-6.0 Out-of-Session Emergency09/01/2022