Central New Mexico Community College — CNM
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Policies Index

Employee Handbook

Policies and Procedures

CNM Policies and Procedures, including the Employee Handbook, The Source and Governing Board Policy Manual provide key guidance for academic, administrative, and operational practices across the college. These resources ensure alignment with CNM’s strategic goals, support compliance with legal and regulatory standards, and offer clear expectations for faculty, staff, and administrators.

These resources are designed to promote consistency, accountability, and transparency in decision-making and daily operations. They provide the framework for procedures, ensure adherence to best practices, and help minimize risk while maintaining organizational efficiency. For more information or assistance, please contact The Policies and Procedures Office.

Title   Document #Location
Absense Without LeaveEHB 08.19Leave Policies
AdministrationEHB 02.02College Organization
Advertising, Sponsorships, Distributions, and SolicitationEHB 13.06Other College Policies
Advisory GroupsEHB 02.03College Organization
Alcohol and Controlled SubstancesEHB 12.02Health, Safety, and Security
Annual Leave Non Instructional EmployeesEHB 08.10Leave Policies
AttendanceEHB 07.02Work Rules and Calendar
Background ChecksEHB 03.08Employment
Bereavement LeaveEHB 08.02Leave Policies
CNM Technology UseEHB 13.08Other College Policies
CalendarEHB 07.03Work Rules and Calendar
Campus MemorialEHB 13.09Other College Policies
Campus Parking and TrafficEHB 13.03Other College Policies
Catastrophic Leave Donation ProgramEHB 08.20Leave Policies
Children on CampusEHB 13.01Other College Policies
Code of ConductEHB 04.01Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
College Property - Private Use ProhibitedEHB 13.04Other College Policies
College PublicationsEHB 11.01Publications and Research Projects
Compensation DefinitionEHB 05.01Wage and Salary
Conflict of InterestEHB 04.02Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
Consensual RelationshipsEHB 04.06Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
CopyrightEHB 11.03Publications and Research Projects
Court LeaveEHB 08.15Leave Policies
DefinitionEHB 09.02Discipline and Grievance Procedure
Disability Services and Reasonable AccommodationEHB 13.11Other College Policies
DisciplineEHB 09.03Discipline and Grievance Procedure
DisclaimerEHB 09.01Discipline and Grievance Procedure
Domestic Abuse LeaveEHB 08.21Leave Policies
Educational BenefitsEHB 06.01Benefits
Educational RetirementEHB 06.04Benefits
Election DaysEHB 07.05Work Rules and Calendar
Employee Assistance ProgramEHB 06.06Benefits
Employee CategoriesEHB 03.01Employment
Employee Debt CollectionEHB 03.11Employment
Employee DefinitionsEHB 03.02Employment
EmploymentEHB 03.04Employment
Employment GroupsEHB 03.03Employment
Equal Opportunity and NondiscriminationEHB 00.01Introduction
Examination/Release of Student RecordsEHB 10.03Records
Family LeaveEHB 08.07Leave Policies
FiresEHB 12.05Health, Safety, and Security
Flexible WorkEHB 07.06Work Rules and Calendar
Full-Time InstructorsEHB 05.03Wage and Salary
Governing BoardEHB 02.01College Organization
Grievance ProcedureEHB 09.05Discipline and Grievance Procedure
HolidaysEHB 08.12Leave Policies
Illness In Immediate FamilyEHB 08.03Leave Policies
Insurance BenefitsEHB 06.03Benefits
IntroductionEHB 00.00Introduction
Involuntary Termination NondisciplinaryEHB 03.07Employment
Leave DefinitionsEHB 08.01Leave Policies
Leave Without PayEHB 08.17Leave Policies
Management RightsEHB 00.02Introduction
MediationEHB 09.04Discipline and Grievance Procedure
Medical LeaveEHB 08.06Leave Policies
Military LeaveEHB 08.16Leave Policies
Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic GoalsEHB 01.01Strategic Direction
Modified ScheduleEHB 7.04Work Rules and Calendar
NepotismEHB 04.04Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
Non Competitive HiresEHB 03.05Employment
Official Personnel FileEHB 10.01Records
Part-Time InstructorsEHB 05.04Wage and Salary
PatentsEHB 11.04Publications and Research Projects
PaychecksEHB 05.06Wage and Salary
Payment for Accrued Annual LeaveEHB 08.11Leave Policies
Payment for Accrued Sick LeaveEHB 08.05Leave Policies
Payment for TravelEHB 13.13Other College Policies
Performance EvaluationsEHB 03.10Employment
Personal Leave Instructional EmployeesEHB 08.08Leave Policies
Personal Leave Non-Instructional EmployeesEHB 08.09Leave Policies
Political ActivitiesEHB 13.07Other College Policies
Professional DevelopmentEHB 06.02Benefits
Professional Development Leave Full Time InstructorsEHB 08.14Leave Policies
Professional LeaveEHB 08.13Leave Policies
Public RecordsEHB 10.02Records
Reporting Observed, Suspected, or Apparent MisconductEHB 04.05Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
Reporting of Illness and InjuriesEHB 12.04Health, Safety, and Security
SafetyEHB 12.06Health, Safety, and Security
Safety and Environmental Health ProblemsEHB 12.08Health, Safety, and Security
Security Policy and Crime StatisticsEHB 12.01Health, Safety, and Security
Service Animal PolicyEHB 13.10Other College Policies
Sexual MisconductEHB 04.03Code of Conduct and Workplace Behavior
Sick LeaveEHB 08.04Leave Policies
Smoke Free CampusEHB 12.07Health, Safety, and Security
Space Heaters and Personal AppliancesEHB 13.12Other College Policies
StaffEHB 05.02Wage and Salary
Substitute InstructorsEHB 05.05Wage and Salary
Substitute ProceduresEHB 08.18Leave Policies
Surveys, Questionnaires and Research ProjectsEHB 11.02Publications and Research Projects
The SourceEHB 00.03Introduction
Trial PeriodsEHB 03.09Employment
Use of College FacilitiesEHB 13.05Other College Policies
Use of College VehiclesEHB 13.02Other College Policies
Voluntary TerminationEHB 03.06Employment
Weapons and FirearmsEHB 12.03Health, Safety, and Security
Work SchedulesEHB 07.01Work Rules and Calendar
Workers CompensationEHB 06.05Benefits