Chapter D - Communication
Part 5.0 Staff to Parent
Section 5.3 Academic Communication
Paragraph 5.3.4 Report Cards
Policy Statement:
Report Cards
Teachers will prepare report cards for each student at the end of each term. There will be a date published when reports cards must be completed.
Elementary: Teachers will submit their students' report cards to their Administrator or team partner. The team partner will check the report cards against a rubric to ensure there are no missing elements or inappropriate reports and that the grading guidelines have been followed. They will return the report cards to their team partner with any deviations from the rubric noted. The teacher will make the necessary corrections. Teachers will copy the report card and send it home with the student. Report cards will be sent home according to the school calendar. A copy will be kept in the student file.
JH/HS: Teachers will finalize their grades by the end of the day on the date published in the staff calendar. Report cards will be printed and mailed by administration.