Chapter D - Communications
Part 5.0 Staff to Parent
Section 5.3 Academic Communication
Paragraph 5.3.2 Teacher Initial Newsletter
Policy Statement:
Teacher Initial Newsletter
Teachers will prepare a newsletter and packet or disclosure (Jr. High/Secondary) to be presented at BTS night (elementary) or go home with the students in the first few days of school - (disclosures in Jr. High/Secondary). The information or disclosure will include:
Teacher introduction and an outline of classroom policies
The classroom schedule
Instructions for P.E. clothing (K-6)
An overview of the teacher's procedures for enforcement of the uniform policy
Information regarding homework expectations and procedures
Ways in which the teacher can be contacted
Reading Summary and instructions
A sample Learning Plan and instructions regarding the purpose of the Plan, its use and mandatory signing (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
Instructions regarding the docket, its use and how it should be used by parents and students (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
Information about the Bi-Monthly Progress Reports (1-6)
Information about the Academic Support Team and a volunteer sign-up sheet (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
Information about the Character Support Team (CST) and a volunteer sign-up sheet (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
Information regarding the procedures used for schoolwork corrections, confidentiality, and use of volunteers in correcting student work.