Translation and Interpretation Services 

Chapter D - Communication

Section 4.0 School to Parent Community 

D-4.4 Translation and Interpretation Services 


Translation and Interpretation Services or Language Access Plan


A. Definitions 
  1. Primary language means the first language spoken by a student’s parent or guardian. 
  1. Interpretation means simultaneous communication between a speaker of English and a speaker of another language. 
  1. Translation means written communication wherein the written words of one person are communicated to others in writing in a different language. 
B. Determination of Primary Language 
  1. APA parents will, upon enrollment, identify the primary language spoken by the student and guardian of each student enrolled in the school, and, if such language is not English, whether the student and parent require language assistance to communicate effectively with the school. 
  1. APA shall maintain an appropriate and current record of the primary language of each parent. 
C. Right to Information 
  1. APA will communicate information to limited English proficient parents in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity that is called to the attention of parents who are proficient in English.
  2. Parents have a right to be provided information about their student’s education in a language they can understand; this includes the right to translated documents and the provision of a language interpreter as needed. 
  3. Parents may request these services even if they speak some English and/or their student can speak or read English. 
  4. Language assistance services are free to the parent and provided by appropriate and competent staff, or through appropriate and competent outside agencies. 
D. Language Assistance Services 
  1. Each school shall, consistent with this regulation, provide translation and interpretation services to students and parents who require language assistance in order to communicate effectively with their school.
  2. Guardians may rely on an adult relative for language and interpretation services if they choose.

E. Translation

  1. Vital information may be made available to parents and students in multiple languages using accepted translation tools such as Skyward, Google Translate (APA website), and Microsoft Translate (APA policy site). 
  1. Vital Information may include the following: 
  1.  School/Program registration, enrollment, and selection; 
  1.  Fee schedule and fee waiver information; 
  1.  Grades, report cards, progress reports, academic standards, and graduation; 
  1.  School rules and student discipline; 
  1.  Attendance, absences, and withdrawal; 
  1.  Parent permission for activities and programs; 
  1.  School closures; 
  1.  Opportunities to access programs or services – including extended learning, advanced placement, and English Learner programs; 
  1. Student/Parent handbooks; 
  1. Parent-teacher conferences; 
  1.  Grievance procedures and notices of nondiscrimination; 
  1. Special education and related services for students with disabilities: 
  1. Section 504 information;and 
  1.  The district’s language access plan and related services or resources available. 
F. Interpretation Services  
  1. APA shall provide interpretation services during regular business hours, to parents and students who require such services in order to communicate with APA regarding critical information about their child’s education. 
  1. Depending upon availability, such interpretation services may be provided either at the location where the parent or student is seeking to communicate or virtually. 
  1. Interpretation shall be provided for, but not limited to, the following activities as needed: 
  1. impromptu and scheduled office visits or phone calls; 
  2.  enrollment or registration processes; 
  3. the IEP process; 
  4. student educational and occupational planning processes; 
  5. fee waiver processes; 
  6. parent engagement activities; 
  7. student disciplinary meetings;  
  8. other interactions between the parents of a student learning English and educational staff. 
Notification Requirements 
  1. Schools and offices are responsible for notifying each parent and student who require language assistance services of their right to free language assistance. 
  1. APA shall provide parents and students guidance, including guidance on when oral interpretation is preferable to written translation. 


HB 302

 Approved 10/27/2022