Chapter G – Academics

Part 9.0 Counseling

Section 9.3 College and Career Readiness

Policy Statement:

College and Career Readiness

American Prep's governing board, in consultation with school personnel, parents, and school community councils, establish this policy to provide for effective implementation of an individual learning plan or a plan for college and career readiness for each student at the school site.

According to 53E-2-304, American Prep students develop College and Career Readiness Plans, in consultation with local counselors, teachers, and administrators, that:

(A) are initiated at the beginning of grade 7;

(B) identify a student's skills and objectives;

(C) map out strategies to guide student course selection; and

(D) link students to post-secondary options, including higher education and careers.

Parents/guardians and secondary students are given the opportunity to review the student's College and Career Readiness Plan at least biennially with school personnel.  The review will:

(A) recognize the student's accomplishments, strengths, and progress toward meeting student achievement standards as defined in the core standards for Utah public schools;

(B) include a review of student's transcript and assessment data;

(C) include a review of a student's anticipated course schedules, considering promotion/graduation requirements first, as well as courses helpful to the student's college and career preparation goals; and

(D) include an opportunity to review the student's individual learning plan, if applicable, as well as possible academic interventions for at-risk students.

A student and/or parent/guardian may request a conference with school personnel in addition to the scheduled College and Career Readiness planning meetings.

Legal References:  53E-2-304


APA Policy Reference: G-9.1 At-Risk Students