Chapter F - Classroom Organization

Part 3.0 Student Organization

Section 3.1 Dockets

Policy Statement:


Each student at American Prep will be issued a docket at the beginning of the first year they are in attendance.  Replacement dockets must be purchased from the school office and are $10.00. Folders can be replaced for $2.00. Students must use the school-issued docket.  Students should not place heavy objects like books in their dockets nor place stickers on the outside of their docket.

  1. The docket will contain several colored file folders representing the following subjects:
  1. Red  - Reading
  2. Yellow - Math
  3. Green - Science
  4. Blue - History
  5. Purple - Language arts
  6. Orange - Spelling
  7. Gray - Reading University
  8. Manilla - Music
  9. White - Student Monitored Learning Tracker
  1. Students will take the docket home each night and will bring it back to school each day.
  2. If students lose or damage their docket, they will need to purchase a new one from American Prep for their use. Unless given approval by administration, students must use the APA-issued docket.
  3. One purpose of the docket is to help American Prep implement a "no loose papers" policy. All papers should be placed in the correct file folder inside the docket. In this way, students always have with them what they need - in class and at home. Parents can easily look through a student's docket and get a clear picture of what work is being produced and what areas are being studied, thus allowing them to extend and expand the learning at home.