Chapter E - School Operations

Part 5.0 Attendance

Section 5.2 Absences


Policy Statement:


It is vital to our success that students attend school each day.  American Prep supports a State goal of 95% attendance school-wide.  This allows us to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements.  Our academic goals will be achieved only if our students attend school regularly.

General Procedures

  1. If a student is unable to attend school, a parent or guardian must call the school on the day of the absence before 8:45 a.m. to report the absence.  If a parent does not notify the school, the student may be considered truant.
  2. If the absence is illness related, we ask parents to report any symptoms or doctor's diagnoses for the child's absence.  We will be tracking illnesses for potential outbreaks.
  3. Attendance will be kept each day at American Prep, and will be reported to the administration by each teacher.  Administration will track daily attendance and will report any extended absences to the Director.
    1. There are no excused absences.  We have built into the system the possibility of nine absences  a year due to illness, appointments, vacations or family emergencies.  All absences are counted as an absence and there is no such thing as an "excused absence" even if the parents takes responsibility or if they call and excuse their student.
  4. Absences may affect a student's grade according to the class disclosures in Jr. High and depending upon work missed in the elementary grades.
  5. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of school hours whenever possible.  For students in grades 1-6, afternoon appointments are preferred so that students don't miss reading and math instruction.