Chapter E – School Operations

Part 5.0 Attendance

Section 5.1 General Attendance

Subsection 5.1.1 Distance Learning Program Attendance


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the school’s compliance with Utah Administrative Code R277-419 Pupil Accounting.

Policy Statement

American Preparatory Academy will offer distance learning programs in the event of a school soft closure due to an emergency, and/or as directed by the Governor’s office. During the 2020-21 school year, American Prep will be offering the Off-Campus Learning Program, detailed here.

Though daily student attendance will not be taken in traditional ways, teachers and school administrators will monitor student engagement through the following methods of learner-validated enrollment:

  • Assignment completion
  • Students attending live sessions or virtual “office hours"
  • Teacher email, video or phone calls with students/parents/guardians
  • Paper/pencil assignments that students submit
  1. Student engagement and participation in remote learning is critical. If your child is having trouble engaging in online learning, please contact their counselor or a school administrator as soon as possible.
  2. Students or parents aware of necessary absences must inform the teacher with as much advance notice as possible in order to make appropriate arrangements. These absences should be reported through the “Scheduled Absence Request” form.
  3. Any student who has not actively participated in an online class for longer than nine days (not necessarily consecutive) without the prior written approval of the student's application for “Extenuating Circumstances,” the Director will send a letter to the parents outlining that the student has been placed on “Attendance Probation” and a meeting with school administration and/or the governing board may be required.  It is important to note that our promotion policy requires a student to attend a minimum number of school days to be promoted to the next grade.
  4. We are required to remove from our enrollment any student who is absent ten or more consecutive days of school without extenuating circumstances. We may not count a student as eligible for continued enrollment if the student has not engaged in the measures above for ten consecutive days.