Appendix B: Elementary Student Compact


  1. Come to class each day on time, ready to learn and do my best! (I. Mission and Vision: Building Foundations and I. Daily School Operation: Attendance)  

  2. Do my homework every day and turn it in when it is due (IV. Academic Policies: Homework).  

  3. Focus on healthy, scholarly pursuits and utilizing screen time exclusively for academic pursuits on school nights. Limitations to include TV, videos, electronic gaming, social media, etc. (IV. Academic Policies:  Homework).  

  4. Abide by the Code of Conduct in my dress, language, and behavior (VII. Code of Conduct).  

  5. Practice good organization by using my docket and learning plan each school day (IV. Academic Policies: Organization).  

  6. Eat nutritious meals, exercise daily (outdoors where possible), and get sufficient sleep, in order to be a healthy learner (III. Health and Safety: School Lunch).  

  7. Ask for help when I need it.  

  8. Give my parents (or the adult who is responsible for me) all papers and information sent home from school.  

  9. Respect myself and others at the school and in the community. Work to resolve conflicts in positive, non-threatening ways (VI. Code of Conduct:  Language and Communication).  

  10. Treat school property, including books and materials, with deliberate care.  (VII. Parent and Family Engagement Policy: Lost or Damaged Items)

  11. Promptly report any non-building behavior to a member of the school staff (VI. Code of Conduct: Behavior).  

  12. Be a Builder in Every Way! (I. Mission and Vision: Virtuous Character Development: Builder’s Theme) 





Appendix B: Secondary Student Compact 


  1. Come to class each day on time, ready to learn and do my best! (I. Mission and Vision: Building Foundations and I. Daily School Operation: Attendance) 

  2. Do my homework every day and turn it in when it is due (IV. Academic Policies: Homework). 

  3. Focus on healthy, scholarly pursuits and utilizing screen time exclusively for academic pursuits on school nights. Limitations to include TV, videos, electronic gaming, social media, etc. (IV. Academic Policies:  Homework). 

  4. Abide by the Code of Conduct in my dress, language, and behavior (VII. Code of Conduct). 

  5. Practice good organization by using my planner each school day (IV. Academic Policies: Organization). 

  6. Eat nutritious meals, exercise daily (outdoors where possible), and get sufficient sleep, in order to be a healthy learner (III. Health and Safety: School Lunch). 

  7. Ask for help when I need it. 

  8. Give my parents (or the adult who is responsible for me) all papers and information sent home from school. 

  9. Respect myself and others at the school and in the community. Work to resolve conflicts in positive, non-threatening ways (VI. Code of Conduct: Language and Communication). 

  10. Treat school property, including books and materials, with deliberate care. (VII. Parent and Family Engagement Policy: Lost or Damaged Items)

  11. Promptly report any non-building behavior to a member of the school staff (VI. Code of Conduct: Behavior). 

  12. Be a Builder in Every Way! (I. Mission and Vision: Virtuous Character Development: Builder’s Theme)