Administrative Procedure 4.9
Procedure Title Sexual Harassment
Related Board Policy Policy Governance Chapter II Section A
General Executive Constraint
Policy Governance Chapter II Section B
Treatment of Students
Policy Governance Chapter II Section C
Treatment of Staff
Policy Governance Chapter II Section I
Safety and Security
Related Admin Procedures  
Adopted Date 6/13/1989
Effective Date 08/11/2020
Last Reviewed Date 08/11/2020
Implementation Process By Chief Student Officer
Director - Human Resources


Central Wyoming College prohibits sexual misconduct in any form, including but not limited to: sexual discrimination, sexual assault/sexual violence, sexual harassment, or any form of sexual misconduct.  Individuals participating in a college educational program or activity should be able to live, study, and work in an environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct.

The college is committed to fostering a campus environment that promotes and expedites prompt reporting of sexual misconduct and complies with due process. The college’s procedures are designed to protect the rights and confidentiality of both the person(s) making a complaint and  the person(s) accused of sexual misconduct. The college also adheres to all federal, state, and local requirements for intervention, crime reporting, and privacy provisions related to sexual misconduct. Therefore, Central Wyoming College’s Title IX Coordinator will evaluate every report of sexual misconduct. Additionally, sexual misconduct will be investigated by trained investigators. The college honors any order of protection, no-contact order, restraining order, or lawful order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 

The college will make copies of this procedure, the associated process, and education opportunities readily available to all students and other members of the college community.  Creating a respectful, safe, and non-threatening environment is the responsibility of all members of the college community.

This procedure guides the college’s response to reports of sexual harassment.  There are other legal forums for  reporting sexual harassment and seeking other legal remedies.  Nothing in this procedure prevents a student, employee, or any other person from also pursuing these other options at their discretion.  


The procedure stewards for this procedure will implement a process that:

  • Applies to all members of the college community including:  students, faculty, staff, contractors, volunteers, and those visitors over which CWC has substantial control;
  • Meets all federal, state, and local laws and regulations;
  • Is well researched and meets current best practices for an institution of higher education; and
  • Includes the following minimum requirements:
    • Balances confidentiality with due process requirements;
    • Uses the “preponderance standard” for evidence in making a determination of fact and, 
    • Does not require the complainant to file a police report to initiate an investigation by the college for possible violation of this procedure.
Revision History: 
Adopted 6/13/1989
Revised 10/26/2016
Revised 8/11/2020